It is always something of a mystery about how much mis-information is circulating around keeping Angora rabbits and showing them. So in an attempt to try to raise awareness and dispel the myths here are a few insights to keeping and showing Angora rabbits in the UK. If you have any questions or queries about… Read more »
Posts categorised: General interest
Hand rearing Angora baby rabbits – Week 6
They are now well on their way to becoming very distinctive Angora rabbit looking now, they have developed very fluffy wool coats however not suitable for showing as they are chewing each others coats when they groom one another. They are both potentially female after checking again the smaller one I thought was a buck… Read more »
English Angora rabbits for sale
If you are looking to buy an English Angora rabbit, it is recommended that you talk to existing breeders who belong to the National Angora Club especially if you are looking for show Angora rabbits. Currently some of our members have English Angora rabbits available and one of those is Richard Grindey who has two… Read more »
Hand rearing Angora baby rabbits – Week 5
Wow have they changed, they are little bundles of fluff now and full of energy and keen to play and run about. They still don’t have names yet and still not 100% on whether they are bucks or does or one of each. The larger potentially is a doe whilst the smaller bunny might be… Read more »
Hand rearing Angora rabbit babies – Week 4
They have made it through to week 4 and are both developing really well and are starting to look more like Angora rabbits now, well in some of the photos they look more like Chinchilla’s but as they grow this will change. They have developed fun personalities and have some very distinctive character traits developing… Read more »
Hand rearing Angora rabbits Week 3
The journey of the two baby English Angora rabbits continues as they start to develop further. This is the end of week 3 so 21 days old now and are quite the characters. As they are being hand reared they are very used to being handled and very friendly and social at such a young… Read more »
Hand rearing Angora rabbits Week 2
They have both survived the first week of hand rearing and are developing well. One is definitely a better feeder than the other and is noticeably larger but both are putting on weight.
Hand rearing Angora rabbits Week 1
So hopefully hand rearing baby Angora rabbits is rarely needed, but in the eventuality that it is, here is some guidance on how to do it. Recently I had a doe who gave birth to a litter of babies, she started to show signs of failing health prior to the birth and sadly died immediately… Read more »
Exhibition Grooming
The exhibition Angora has an impact on the general public quite unmatched by any other breed. A first class specimen, expertly groomed and presented, whether it takes top honours or not, will always steal the limelight, and many of our enthusiasts today owe their introduction to the Fancy to seeing one at a show. Breeders… Read more »
Variations in Faces and Ears in the English Angora
The Classic English Angora The classic English Angora comes in one of the standard colours, and has well woolled and tufted ears (tassel tips). The rabbit has a fringe, with wool long and thick between and behind the ears. Wool on the cheeks is long, but wool around the eyes and the rest of the… Read more »