The name of the society shall be The National Angora Club.
The objects of the society shall be:
- To foster and promote the keeping, breeding and exhibition of Angora rabbits.
- To encourage the commercial production and handspinning of Angora wool.
- To secure the services of competent judges who would be recognised officially by the society.
- To grant support, financial or otherwise, to the prize funds of certain shows in the interest of extending the exhibition of the Angora rabbit.
- To preserve the integrity of the exhibition of Angora rabbits and to take such action as is necessary to prevent dishonest practises.
- To grant championship certificates to worthy exhibits.
- To take any other action which would safeguard or improve the status of the Angora rabbit.
The following officers shall be elected bi-annually by postal ballot of all adult members:
- Honorary President (ex-officio)
- Honorary Vice President(s) (ex-officio)
- Chairman
- Vice-Chairman
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Year Book Editor
A council of 10 active breeders and/or exhibitors of at least three years experience and one junior breeder and/or exhibitor to which the 3 year rule does not apply.
A member, chosen by the secretary, if required, shall act as show manager.
The President, Vice-President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer shall all be ex-officio members of the Council.
Any member who is not in arrears at the closing date for nominations, shall be eligible for office.
The Chairperson shall have the power to give a casting vote in the event of a tie.
The Society will recognise a panel of 20 official club Judges in an All-Round Panel and a panel of 10 Breeder Judges (to have a minimum of 3 years experience.). No judge to serve on both panels.
The Society will also recognise a panel of up to 10 Judges for the products competition. A minimum of 3 years experience of spinning Angora required.
Judges at a stock show to be offered travelling expenses.
Election of officers
The bi-annual Election of Officers for the forthcoming 2 year period, to be held after the last stock show.
Nominations for all Officers, Council Members and Judges to be made in writing and seconded in writing. Consent from the nominee having first been obtained. Self-written nominations not accepted.
The closing date for nominations to be printed in the year book and in the fancy press.
Ballot papers will be sent to all paid up adult members.
Should any vacancy occur between elections, the next non-elected candidate with the highest number of votes will be appointed. All retiring Officers, Council Members and Judges will be automatically re-nominated unless they express a wish to withdraw.
The annual subscriptions:
Individual Adult | £5.00 |
OAP | £4.00 |
Juvenile (under 16) | £4.00 |
Family: two adults + two children, one year book | £8.00 |
New members joining after the last stock show shall be granted membership until December 31st of the following year. Subsequent subscriptions will be due on January 1st of each year.
Any member whose subscription is three or more months in arrears will be considered to be no longer a member of the club.
The council reserve the right to refuse membership without explanation.
Life membership
Life membership shall be offered by the society to any individual that has, by outstanding deeds or actions, contributed to the welfare and promotion of the society and the industry as a whole. Life Members shall be elected at the AGM.
This to be vested in the Council which shall meet as often as deemed necessary. The Secretary in consultation with the Chairman shall have the power to call such meetings, with a minimum of 14 days notice giving details of time, place and business.
The council shall have the power to appoint sub-committees to perform specific duties. The Chairman and the Secretary shall be ex-officio members of all sub-committees.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the society shall be held after the last stock show. The Secretary shall call an Extra-ordinary AGM only upon receipt of a written request signed by not less than 10 members. 14 days clear notice of an AGM and of ExAGM must be given to all members in writing.
The accounts of the society shall be audited yearly and presented to members at the AGM by the treasurer. The statement shall be printed in the year book. If none is published then the statement must be sent to all members by post.
Property of the society
The property of the society shall be vested in the council as trustees.
Dissolution of the society
The society shall not be dissolved except when a motion to this end is passed at a ExAGM called for this purpose. The motion must then be put to a postal vote when a two thirds majority will bring about the implementation of the motion.
A Year Book shall be issued bi-annually, free to all paid-up members. It shall contain a full members listing, statement of accounts and the current rules and breed standard. A sub-committee shall be formed to perform this task. If possible the appointed sub-committee to meet at the early stock show. The elected year book editor may co-opt two council members to help with the production of the year book. Draft copies of the year book to be sent to all council members for approval before publication. The councils decision is final.
Alteration to the constitution and rules
Absolutely no change may be made in the constitution or rules except at an AGM or ExAGM, when a voting majority of members present will be sufficient to effect any such suggested changes. Notice of a proposal to change any item of the constitution or rules must be forwarded to the secretary a minimum of 14 days prior to any meeting so that it can be included on the agenda.
Construction of rules
Any questions arising on the construction or interpretation of the constitution or rules, must be referred to the council whose decision, if challenged, must be ratified by the next AGM.
General Regulations
The council shall have the power to suspend any Judge or Officer at any time, to take any necessary action for the suppression of fraud or dishonourable conduct. Any member found guilty of fraudulent or dishonourable conduct shall be suspended and disbarred from all privileges of membership during the period of suspension. The secretaries of shows to which support has been granted shall be informed of the names of the person(s) under suspension in order to prohibit them from competing in classes where club support is granted.
The society will grant championships to any exhibit which wins 20 stars. Conditions of award:
- Stars to be obtained under at least 4 different club judges.
- Two BRC Diplomas for Best Fancy at 2 or 3 stars shows, under two different club judges.
- Not more than 6 stars to count in u/5 month classes.
- A first in a straight class at a club show to count as 1 star but not as a diploma (only one per rabbit for each event), in addition to any other star awards gained at the event. The only diploma acceptable is that of BIS.
- Applications for the registration of a championship to be made to the secretary. Fee £1. A full listing showing name, date, venue of show, age, name and ring number of rabbit, name of breeder if other than applicant, and name of awarding judge must accompany the claim.
- Exhibits: all exhibits must be shown in their natural state.
- Preparation of exhibit: no material may be used in the preparation of angoras for exhibition which will in any way effect the natural colouring of the wool.
Club support
The committee shall have the power to grant at their discretion, a 2 star support Angora Stock Show provided that there is no financial loss to the club. These shows to be run by the member making the application and must not be held within two weeks either side of a stock show.
Club shows
The first show to be held in or around the Midlands, subsequent shows to be held in venues nominated and elected around the country.
No person shall judge more than one stock show in any one year.
Show trophies
The trophies are the property of the club and shall be put up annually for competition. The winners of the trophies shall be required to pay carriage to and from the secretary.
All exhibits shall be the bona fide property of the exhibitor at the time of entry.
Winner of the Beginners Trophy to have bred the rabbit exhibited.
Judge awards
All club judges must give their awards according to the Society’s recognised Breed Standard.
All complaints must be addressed in writing to the secretary who shall bring the matter before the council. Members are requested to bring before the Society any information on irregular practices or dealings, whether by members or non-members of the club.
The secretary may be granted an honorarium by the council of such a sum as the council decide.
The secretary shall bring to all meetings of the council the minute book.
The treasurer shall bring the accounts etc to the meeting consisting of the receipt book, and an account book with a complete listing of members, showing the written detail of the accounts of the society. A bank account shall be opened by the treasurer into which all money received, except any petty cash requirements, shall be paid. A written record of all transactions carried out by the treasurer on the society’s behalf shall be recorded in the accounts book. A receipt for all cash transactions to be obtained and kept for examination by the societies auditor.