If you are looking to join the National Angora Club (UK) then here are the details for the cost of the annual subscription and what you get for being a member.
The annual subscriptions:
Individual Adult (New members) | £7.00 |
Membership renewal | £5.00 |
Family: two adults + two children, one year book | £8.00 |
New members joining after the last stock show, usually held in October or November, shall be granted membership until December 31st of the following year. Subsequent subscriptions will be due on January 1st of each year.
Any member whose subscription is three or more months in arrears will be considered to be no longer a member of the club. The council reserve the right to refuse membership without explanation.
- A Year Book shall be issued bi-annually, free to all paid-up members. It contains a full members listing, statement of accounts and the current rules and breed standard.
- Direct contact with other members to share ideas and information on English Angora rabbits
- Belong to a club which represents the English Angora rabbit and seeks to uphold the Breed standard and you can take a more active role in the club too if you want
To become a member
You can become a member by paying the annual subscription by Cheque or Paypal.
- Payment via cheque make cheques payable to the National Angora Club and send to the Club Treasurer Sally May and for the address contact us
- Paypal payments are welcomed, make these as a friend to nationalangoraclub@gmail.com and use your name as a reference
Subscription renewals
If you are already a member then we hope that you will continue to remain a member and let us have your feedback and comments on anything you would like to see posted about on the website. Membership renews annually for £5.00 for individuals, so don’t forget to renew in good time in order to ensure you receive your yearbook before the end of March each year.
For any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us.