The British Rabbit Council was formed to protect, further and co-ordinate the interests of all British Rabbit Breeders; to assist and extend the exhibition of rabbits; to influence, advice, co-operate with Central and Local Authorities, Departments, Education and other Committees and Schools in promoting the extension of the breeding of rabbits, and to promote and… Read more »
Posts categorised: General interest
History of the NAC (UK)
The National Angora Club was founded in 1963 and was created from the amalgamation of the United Angora Rabbit Club (UARC) and the British Angora Rabbit Society (BARS). From its inception the president of the club was Mrs Barbara Pratley (Willowbank). She is one of the breed’s most influential figures both from a exhibition and… Read more »
NAC social media update
You can follow us on Twitter: @angora_club or on Facebook: National Angora Rabbit Club (UK) for regular updates and feeds from the website or sign up to these direct via the Rich Site Summary (RSS) feed. Twitter Open group which anyone can follow and for the UK National Angora Club, for all those who care about… Read more »
Why join the national angora club
Do you have an Angora rabbit? Then this Club is for you. All Angora owners are welcome, whether you are an exhibitor, spinner, or simply a rabbit lover. Many of us are all three!
Equipment for an Angora Rabbitry- from 40 years ago.
The primary need before the purchase of stock is housing. Any hutches designed for a medium-sized breed will suitably accommodate Angoras. A single rabbit needs a hutch two feet square and not less than 21” in height. Breeding hutches should not be less than three feet by two feet. A very practical idea is to… Read more »