Posts categorised: General interest

Fibre-East and British Wool Show 2019

The National Angora Club had stands at two craft festivals in July and August this year. Fibre-East took place at Redbourne School, Ampthill, Bedford on 27th July, after a very hot week. Thankfully the temperature dropped so it was safe to bring Cheyenne, the Smoke Angora. Anne demonstrated spinning pure Angora on the wheel, whilst… Read more »

Overseas angora clubs

United States of America : National Angora Rabbbit Breeders Club United States of America: Betty Chu English Angoras International Association of German Angora Rabbit Breeders

Encephalitozoon Cuniculi

Angora rabbits can get ill and one illness to be aware of is Encephalitozoon Cuniculi. It is common and 52% of healthy domestic rabbits have it. They are not sure currently if it is a fungi or protozoa. Spores are passed through urine and can affect the nervous system and kidneys. In a post mortem… Read more »


Ensure you check your angora rabbits teeth regularly and a good time to do this is every time you clip them. Teeth troubles are very common and if left untreated can cause your angora discomfort and potentially more harmful complaints. Key symptoms of teeth problems include drooling, weight loss, eating greens on one side of… Read more »

Natural angora rabbit products

This years woolfest was a great success and the National Angora Club was there with a whole range of natural Angora rabbit products from their members. A few images below of the stand and a thank you to Leslie and Sandra for all their work on the stand.

Keeping cool this summer

You will need to take extra care this summer with your Angora rabbits due to the continued good weather we are having in parts of the UK. High summer temperatures can cause severe dehydration, over heating and health problems for animals especially woolly ones. Top 10 approaches to keeping your Angora rabbits cool in hot… Read more »

Wool@J13 Show 2019

Visitors to Staffordshire’s Wool @ J13 festival on 18 & 19 May 2019 can expect heaps of wool and yarn-related fun this year – including challenges aimed at getting visitors to pick up some needles and give knitting a try.