Mr Chocolate Pudding comes out of under five months into the adults after an amazing run so far to day, he has achieved an amazing 4 Best in Shows, 2 Runner up Best in Shows, 6 Best Fancy’s and a Runner up Best Fancy at the 3 Star Bradford Championship show which was his first… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Rabbit
Hand rearing Angora baby rabbits – Week 5
Wow have they changed, they are little bundles of fluff now and full of energy and keen to play and run about. They still don’t have names yet and still not 100% on whether they are bucks or does or one of each. The larger potentially is a doe whilst the smaller bunny might be… Read more »
The Great NAC Quiz
Source: NAC Yearbook historic archives
Subscription renewals
Subscriptions are now due for 2019. New members are £7, existing renewals, juniors and seniors are £5. Anyone is welcome to join the National Angora Club who is interested in angora rabbits.
Around the shows in the ’70s
Source: Historic Archives of NAC Yearbooks
Ray Whitcombe
I was sorry to hear the sad news that Ray Whitcombe has died. He was a lovely man who did a huge amount of work for the National Angora Club over the years when he worked as secretary in the 60s and then a few years ago until ill health made him give up. He… Read more »
National Angora Club badges
Our new badges have arrived. Anyone who would like one please contact Sally May through the contacts page and the price per badge £4 plus £1 postage. These are pin badges but sew on ones are also available.
Breeding rabbits for show
If you have acquired a pair of angoras (buck and doe) from a reputable breeder and you have checked that they are up to the standard set by the British Rabbit Council (BRC), are old enough (about eight months upwards) and are fit and well. Then you introduce the doe to the bucks cage. If… Read more »
National Angora Club Facebook page
The National Angora Rabbit Club UK Facebook page was originally set up for National Angora Club members. However over the years there are a number of people who have let their memberships lapse. Please can members renew as soon as possible to continue access to the Facebook group. Please send subscriptions to Sally May, Treasurer,… Read more »
Buying an Angora rabbit as a pet
All rabbits need a lot of looking after, and Angoras need more than most. Grooming several times a week, clipping 3 monthly, and they can live for 10 years! If you do not wish to use the coat it is a lot of work.