From the archives of the NAC Yearbook
Posts Tagged: Yearbook
The Great NAC Quiz
Source: NAC Yearbook historic archives
Mary Tomlin – Products competition judge
Source: Historic archives of NAC yearbooks
Looking back at early 2000
Source: Historic archives of NAC yearbooks
Grooming for the show bench
I’m going to try and take you through the grooming until they are adults. I personally start grooming my babies about 6 weeks old,where I take them out and sort out the knots behind their necks. Then at 8 week to 9 weeks I take them out regularly, which is normally every other day, and… Read more »
The Angora Past and Present
Source: NAC Year book front cover from 2006
Cartoon time…
Source: Historic archives of NAC yearbooks
Earlier years on the NAC stand
Source: Historical archives of NAC Yearbooks
The Homeopathic Way
I am often asked for homeopathic remedies for rabbit ailments. The following will do no harm and may be helpful.. Tablets, mother tincture and ointments are sold by health food shops and some pharmacies. Administration of tablets can be done whether by placing directly into the mouth, (taking care not to touch the tablet by… Read more »
Ray Whitcombe
I was sorry to hear the sad news that Ray Whitcombe has died. He was a lovely man who did a huge amount of work for the National Angora Club over the years when he worked as secretary in the 60s and then a few years ago until ill health made him give up. He… Read more »