Some facts about showing your rabbit
1. An Angora rabbit has a short show life. The whites especially are only at their best four about four months. So you will have to keep breeding so that you can have continuity. The coloured can sometimes be shown after the first coat has been removed but this requires a certain amount of patience and expertise in grooming. It is very unusual for a rabbit with a re-grown coat to beat a rabbit in its first pristine coat with all the tips intact. Clipped stock can however be shown in the section for stud buck/brood doe especially at stock shows.
2. When you book in your entry into a show it is wise to check the size of the pen which will be accorded as this can vary depending in the status of the show or the whim of the secretary.You need to know what size wire frame to bring to the show as all your perfect grooming will be to no avail if the frame is the wrong size.
3. If you have chosen your show rabbit it will save you a lot of trouble later when you have to complete an application for a Diploma if you make a card for the show rabbit as follows:-
- Rabbits Name, Breed, Colour
- Date of Birth
- Show Date and Venue
- Star Status
- Judges Name (underline if on Angora Panel)
- Club Secretary’s name
- Result – e.g. **CC, Best Fancy, Best in Show
4. Showing a rabbit especially if you have bred it yourself can be very interesting and rewarding. It is preferable to steward your own rabbit if this can be done in a courteous and tactful manner because sometimes rabbits lick their coats excessively to get rid of the smell of an unknown steward. We always ensure that we put either a newspaper or a towel into the show pen under the frame in consideration of the rabbits penned below. (Angoras are always given a top pen).
5. Both the British Rabbit Council (BRC) and National Angora Club (NAC) offer Diplomas to the winning rabbits. There is a charge for these with one exception BRC Supreme Championship. This is the highest award and the most difficult to achieve.
BRC Championship
The requirements are as follows:-
- 3 Best Fancy or Best in Show Diplomas gained at shows of 3* or higher status and under three different BRC 3* Fancy Judges.
- It does not matter if the rabbit is an adult or U/5 months old.
- No charge for this award.
BRC Gold Star Championship *
- 25* needed – max U/5 is 6* minimum adult 29*
- Minimum of six different judges, 4 Angora panel judges.
- Minimum starts either 2* or 3* shows.
- In all cases a Best Fancy Diploma counts as 1*
For a Championship Diploma
- a CC plus a best Fancy Diploma counts as a 3* cc
- £5 charge
BRC Silver Diploma
- 15* needed – max U/5 4* minimum Adult 11* under three different judges, 2 judges recognised by NAC.
- Minimum starts won at 2 and 3* shows
- £5 charge
- BRC for Best Fancy count as one extra * in all categories except Supreme Championship.
- The BRC issue Free Junior Certificates to any member who wins 4 Certificates of Merit.
1. National Angora Club
2. No stars won at any show held on the same day as an NAC Stock Show at another venue are eligible towards an NAC Championship. No exhibit in the U/5 may be shown as an adult in the same show. 20* are required Max 6 U/5 Min 14* Adult
All stars to be won under Angora Panel judges. 2 Best Fancy/Best in Show under two different judges
Charge £2
When grooming the Rabbits before the show please be considerate of other fanciers and keep dryers or hoovers well away from the Canteen area. Such magnificent animals deserve caring owners.
Article by Yvonne Fothergill-Hobbs