Posts categorised: Wool Products

The Products section

The Products section – by Patsy Hirstwood Clipped wool Products begin with Clipped wool, and the main thing to watch here is that one does not ‘double clip’, this simply means that one must not have any short hairs amongst the long wool, for this immediately puts the entry at a disadvantage no matter the… Read more »

Angora rabbit wool toys

Angora wool can be used in many ways and one fun way is to make toys from it. You can felt the wool, knit it…..  

Entering your wool for the product competition

The products section of the stock show is your opportunity to get the judges opinion for free and to see how your items compare with other producers. I have heard people say “I spin and teach others” or “I sell my produce – I don’t need to compete”, but the variety of design shown on the… Read more »

Angora rabbit wool hats

Angora wool makes a useful natural fibre to make items of clothing from and one I used recently to make some angora wool hats for a product competition. They are soft,warm and great to wear on a cold day.The Felt hat below was made by Joan Ward, from angora wool and silk.

Angora rabbit wool products

Angora rabbit wool is…..and can be made into a range of products including toys, hats, gloves, insoles, booties, shawls, scarfs and so much more, below is a selection of products I have used angora wool in.

Needle Felting

Needle Felting (Art therapy with my Angoras) by Rachel Dunscombe I have been keeping rabbits since I was 7 years old (first rabbit was and English lop/cross called Loppy) I met my first angora rabbit a few years later, when the mother of my best friend bought a smoke (Blossom) so she could spin and… Read more »

Wool harvesting for beginners by Mrs Pratley

Introduction This article was written many years ago by Mrs Pratley, a former President of the National Angora Club. For present day Angora keepers, some things have changed. Wool is stored in self seal heavy duty freezer bags rather than newspaper, tins and boxes, and the rabbit is often clipped sitting on the owner’s knee…. Read more »