We would recommend two books in particular that are useful for Angora enthusiasts. A Beginner’s Guide to the English Angora by Barbara Pratley & Yvonne Hobbs Available from Fur and Feather Magazine £5.50 inc postage This book covers purchasing, housing, feeding, exhibition grooming, exhibition, breeding, wool harvesting and health. 48 pages. Written by two well known… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Lesley Hordon
Skyrack Angoras
Skyrack Angoras is the name of Lesley Hordon’s stud in West Yorkshire. Skyrack is the name of the old Viking Wapentake, and means Shire Oak. Lesley has kept Angora rabbits for 20 years.
Soft and silky
Article on the English Angora rabbit in LandScape magazine in Jan/Feb 2015 and extracts posted here with kind permission of LandScape magazine. NB: This article featured in LandScape magazine in Jan/Feb 2015 issue and is posted here with kind permission of LandScape who retains all copyright to the images and information within the feature.