Housing Angoras need a hutch 5ft x 2ft by 2ft high. Because of the Angora’s fine coat a hutch with separate sleeping compartment is not recommended as the restriction of the entrance to the compartment ‘shaves’ the sides of the coat off. They are quite hardy and may be housed outside, however, if this is… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Breeding
Angora (and other) rabbits living together
Angora (and other) rabbits living together by Anne Gibson As I am not interested in breeding, I have all my rabbits neutered. The groups consist of one group of three Angora rabbits, a pair of rescue rabbits and a single rescue rabbit who is partially sighted. Most of my rabbits were neutered while young, except… Read more »
Choosing your Angora rabbit for show
If you are lucky enough to have a litter of two or more then you will need to decide which ones will be good to show. Not all of them will have “Show Quality”. When they are about six weeks, you can start to take them out and handle them, grooming them gently behind the neck, turning… Read more »
Foster and abandoned babies
Things to consider prior to breeding Angoras Most births go well. However it is important to be prepared for one or more of the following: Abandoned babies by their mother Inexperienced mothers who over zealously clean their babies Too large a litter. The mother cannot cope and abandons one or more of the babies Mother… Read more »
Problems with breeding
Breeding Angora rabbits and the problems When the doe is ready to produce it is down to her and it is not always straight forward. The doe produces a litter, but often can scatter babies across the hutch during this process, especially if she is a first time mother. If she has made a nest… Read more »
Things you need to know about showing Angora rabbits
Top ten things you need to know about showing Angora rabbits 1. You will need to join the British Rabbit Council (The BRC) 2. It is recommended you purchase Fur and Feather Magazine, winkley publishing as this will give you details of all shows held in the uk. 3. Buy your English Angora rabbit from… Read more »
London Championship Show 2017
The London Championship Show 2017 was held at The Livestock Hall, East of England Show ground, Peterborough, on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th October 2017. This was a good show and well attended by many National Angora Club (NAC) breeders and members. The main show was judged by Phil Batey and the National Angora Club Stock Show by Geoff Boot. There… Read more »
The birth of babies is an anxious time. Once the doe has given birth, lift her out carefully if she will let you. Remove any dead babies, and return warm stragglers to the nest. Chilled babies found out of the nest can be picked up with hands rubbed in the doe’s litter and warmed carefully…. Read more »
Responsible breeding
It is important to remember that Angoras can have large litters. Six- eight babies are not uncommon. Before breeding think carefully about what you would like to breed for, and where the potential babies will find good homes.