I have to admit my passion for angoras came from a desire to spin and knit my own fibre. Having a German husband and being drawn to the extra yield/size of the German Angora compared to the English Angora lead me on a quest to acquire some of these more rare and majestic bunnies.
My poor long suffering husband (who often threatens to use my wool stash as wall insulating when I’m not looking!) was sent off across the channel to pick up my beautiful German angoras from the very Easten side of Germany. I was beyond excited when they finally arrived home. Two REWS (Hagrid and Fleur) and three blues (Hermione, Remus and Bella) settled in really well and with a lot of support from Sally May I slowly got to grips with looking after my wonderful buns.
I couldn’t believe how friendly and affectionate they were. My 6 year old daughter adores them and they adore her. As for the fibre well it’s been amazing the REWs produce up to 400g of fibre per clip and the blues a little less.
I have to admit I’m not the world’s best spinner but I have enjoyed experimenting, blending with other fibres and knitting up small garments. My greatest achievement so far has been in getting a large amount commercially spun, it is just beautiful! I plan to now draft some of my own knitting patterns and sell some of the yarn in kits ready to make up. I will also try dying some of the yarn as I hear it takes dye extremely well. Watch this space!
Stock Sometimes Available Email: joannaschaefer@yahoo.co.uk