1st Alan Cargo Smoke
Congratulations everyone who entered the Virtual Stock Shown 2021 and here is the judges feedback on each entry with the results for each Class.
White Class
Winner – White Richard Grindey
White U/5 Buck White U/5 Buck White U/5 Buck White U/5 Buck White U/5 Buck Pen 1 – White u5, R Grindey. 1st place, nice type, short round body. Nice head shape. Nice length of wool.
Smoke Class
Winner – Smoke Alan Stuart
Smoke U/5 Doe Smoke U/5 Doe Smoke U/5 Doe Smoke U/5 Doe Smoke U/5 Doe Pen 2 – Petala stud smoke, u/5 1st place and BIS. Good type, broad head and good round body shape. Nice ear furnishings and good length of wool. Very nice colour.
Chocolate Class
Winners – Chocolate. 1st Sally May 2nd Sally May.
Chocolate U/3 Chocolate U/3 Chocolate U/3 Chocolate U/3 Chocolate U/3 Pen 3 – Sally May. Chocolate u/3 1st place, nice head and body shape. Short body and nice colour going well down the length of wool.
Chocolate U/3 Chocolate U/3 Chocolate U/3 Chocolate U/3 Chocolate U/3 Pen 4 – Sally May choc u/3 2nd place. Nice head. Body a shade longer than winner. Colour not going as far down length of wool.
Golden Class
Winner – Golden. Chris Hamilton.
Golden U/3 Golden U/3 Golden U/3 Golden U/3 Golden U/3 Pen 5 – Chris Hamilton, Golden u/3. 1st place. Nice head and body shape. Nice colour and length of wool. Nice ear furnishing for age and clean under.
Sooty Fawn Class
Winner – Sooty Fawn. Chris Hamilton.
Sooty Fawn U/3 Sooty Fawn U/3 Sooty Fawn U/3 Sooty Fawn U/3 Sooty Fawn U/3 Pen 6 – Chris Hamilton. 1st place, sooty fawn, u/3 nice head, body and colour.
Colour Challenge
1st Alan Cargo Smoke 2nd Chris Hamilton Golden 3rd Chris Hamilton Sooty Fawn
Grand Challenge and Any Colour
1st Alan Cargo Smoke 2nd Richard Grindey White 3rd Chris Hamilton Golden Reserve Chris Hamilton Sooty Fawn VHC Sally May Chocolate HC Sally May Chocolate