A Poem by Yvonne Hobbs-Fothergill
The New Year dawned – 2021
Yvonne Hobbs Fothergill 2021
We all resolved to have some fun!
Show rabbits waiting in the shed
For grooming – after they’d been fed
A lovely day seeing all our friends
The joy of showing never ends!
The rabbits proudly in the car
The hall today is not too far.
We’re hoping for a Best in Show
Or at least a CC with buck or doe.
A tiring but enjoyable day
We spend our weekends in this way
But a few weeks later Covid arrived!
And one cannot imagine how it changed our lives!!
The whole world affected – and many just died!
The virus had to be contained
As the Prime Minister explained –
No more rabbit shows as such,
No gathering of folk.
We had to stay at home instead –
We might as well be ill – or dead!!!!
It did’nt take the Fancy long
To invent a way to right this wrong!
To keep the Fancy on the go
They organised a Virtual show
With three photos to show front, side and below
For each exhibit – buck or doe
So the judges could view it
From above or below.
A Virtual show is not so bad
In lots of ways, but makes me sad
No getting up early to go to a show
No last minute grooming or packing the car
A bit of moult is not a worry
Or cleaning up bottoms in a hurry!
The rabbits were photographed looking their best
So we will have a day to rest
Waiting for judging results on the screen
While we put up our feet
All calm and serene
So we still show our rabbits as the story ends
But we show photos – and don’t see our friends.