This year we have had to cancel our Swindon Stock Show and AGM twice now due to Covid 19. So a decision was made to hold a virtual show with the judge still being Sarah Elliott. The show date was Sunday 14th June 2020 with closing dates for entries on the 11th June at 6pm.
So if you are feeling like you need some Angora bunny time then check out the entries and winners below and details of the virtual show. Thank you to everyone who helped organise the virtual event and for all those who entered and joined in with the lockdown spirit and for allowing us to publish your beautiful bunny photos online.
Virtual show classes
For the class of spinning/pet angora you needed to send 2 photos of each rabbit one from the front and one from the side with the information as to colour age and your details such as stud name and own name you were showing under.
For the full coated show angoras you needed to send 5 photos per rabbit with details of colour and age of rabbit and your details eg stud name and name you were entering under, so we would know who you were. Each rabbit needed a view of front, side, top, underneath and blowing into the coat.
There was a Best In Show rosette and a Best Spinners/pet angora rosette. It was free to enter and no prize money as it was a virtual show. All the results are on the National Angora Members Facebook page.
Winners of the Spinning pet virtual show
Spinning pet virtual show. Lilac class: 1st Lesley Hordon – Lockdown,
2nd Lesley Hordon – Shenandoah, 3rd Anne Gibson – Daisy
Spinning pet virtual show. Blue Class: 1st Lesley Hordon – Colorado
2nd Lesley Hordon – Alamo
3rd Lyn Dodd – Blue
Spinning pet virtual show. Golden Class: 1st Lyn Dodd – No.1 Gold
2nd Christine Hamilton – Benjamin
3rd Sian Ann Toon – Coco
4th Lyn Dodd – No.2 Gold
5th Chris Hamilton – Spot Babbit
6th Chris Hamilton – HoneyBunny
Spinning pet virtual show. Any Other Colour Class: 1st Sian Ann Toon – Sooty
2nd Christine Hamilton – Malachi
3rd Chris Hamilton – Siegfried
Spinning pet virtual show. Grand Challenge:
1st and Best in show Lyn Dodd – No.1 Gold
2nd Lesley Hordon – Lockdown
3rd Lesley Hordon – Colorado
4th Lesley Hordon – Shenandoah
5th Christine Hamilton – Benjamin
6th Sian Ann Toon – Coco
7th Sian Ann Toon – Sooty
Gallery of Virtual Spinners Rabbit Show June 2020
Winners of the Virtual Stock Show
White Class 2 entries. 1st Alan Stuart Petala Stud pen 2. 2nd Sally May Bourne Stud Pen 1
Golden Class 4 entries. 1st Christine Hamilton Pen 6. 2nd Alan Stuart Petala Stud pen 3. 3rd Christine Hamilton pen 9. 4th Christine Hamilton pen 13.
Sooty Fawn Class 3 entries. 1st Christine Hamilton pen 11. 2nd Christine Hamilton pen 12. 3rd Christine Hamilton pen 10
Any Other Colour Class 4 entries. 1st Christine Hamilton Smoke pen 8. 2nd Christine Hamilton Siamese Sable pen 7. 3rd Alan Stuart Petala Stud Blue pen 4. 4th Alan Stuart Petala Stud Brown Grey pen 5.
Grand Challenge 13 entries. All the entries are under 5 months. 1st Christine Hamilton Sooty Fawn pen 11. 2nd Christine Hamilton Golden pen 6. 3rd Christine HamiltonSooty Fawn pen 12. 4th Christine Hamilton Smoke pen 8. 5th Alan Stuart Petala Stud Golden pen 3. 6th Alan Stuart White pen 2. 7th Christine Hamilton Sable pen 7.
Virtual Stock Show Gallery of entries and winners June 2020
Thank you again for all taking part and look forward to seeing you at the next rabbit show.