Rabbits are herbivores and therefore need green vegetation in their diet. The amount fed varies, usually complementing their dried food and hay. Too many unaccustomed greens can lead to upset stomachs, and regular small amounts are better than too much in one go. Rabbits enjoy their greens, and greens are a healthier treat than the sugary snacks found in pet shops. Greens should be fresh. If shop bought greens are not fit for you to eat then they are not fit for your rabbit! Rabbits enjoy grass, but should not be given lawn mowings which ferment rapidly and cause stomach upset.

You can use a combination of naturally found plant material as well as shop bought products like
- broccoli
- spinach
- carrots (small amounts)
- celery
- cabbage
- apples (small amounts)
- kale
- pak choi
- chard
- Grass and clover
Angoras enjoy wild plants, which are a good source of nutrients,vitamins and minerals. Ensure though that you pick the correct plants to avoid feeding any plant material which may be toxic or poisonous to your Angora rabbit. Beware of hemlock which resembles cow parsley and is very poisonous.
- Blackberry brambles
- Grass
- Cow parsley
- Clover
- Comfrey
- Coltsfoot
- Cleavers
- Geranium robartabium
- Storksbill
- Ground elder
- Heathers
- Hawksweed
- Chickweed
- Dandelion
- Agrimony
- Burnet blooms
- Hedge parsley
- Shepherds purse
- Sow thistle
- Trefoil
- Vetches
- Watercress
- Plantains
- Yarrows