The National Angora Club is a non-profit making society which promotes the Angora rabbit and its welfare. Our members are spinners, exhibitors and companion animal owners. We sell the surplus wool of our rabbits to go towards the costs of keeping them. We keep our Angoras ethically, making it an expensive hobby. Vaccination alone can cost £70 per rabbit per year!
We produce Angora wool ethically by shearing the rabbit every three months. This does not harm the rabbit in any way. Rabbits sit quietly on the owner’s knee to be sheared. Wool is sorted into best quality spinning wool (above 2.5 inch staple) and second quality felting wool (coarser wool from chest and tummy, and shorter lengths.) Spinning and felting wool in White and a variety of colours is available by mail order. We also sell wooden bottom whorl drop spindles at prices suitable for just having a go.

Here Rio, a large Sooty Fawn Angora is being clipped. He sits quietly on my knee without restraint, and afterwards will go and dig holes on my lawn! Angoras are not injured in any way by clipping.

To buy, email with your choice.
Angora Spinning wool: sold in clippings from individual rabbits, ranging from 25- 75g. Each bag is priced individually at 60p per 5g. Examples £3.00 for 25g, £4.80 for 40g. This is fine wool from back and flanks, 2.5 inch-3 inch staple. Wool is ethically sheared with scissors, with the rabbit sat on the owner’s knee and unrestrained. Wool is traceable to the breeder and name of the rabbit.
Angora Felting wool: sold in clippings, 8-25g. Each bag is priced individually at 30p per 5g. Examples 15g for 90p, 20g for £1.20. This is coarser wool from tummy and chest, and also shorter lengths. Wool is ethically sheared and traceable as above.
Wool Colours: White, Golden, Cream, Sooty Fawn, Chocolate, Blue, Smoke, Lilac, Brown grey, Sable (light, dark, Siamese and Marten).
Colours of Spinning and felting wool available for sale




Sooty Fawn




Marten Sable

Siamese Sable

Cream and Gold babies.

Spindles for Sale
Wooden bottom whorl. To buy, email:
Large: 2.5 inch whorl, 9.75 inch long shaft, approx. 34g. £5.50 + P&P
Suitable for spinning wool and alpaca and plying Angora
Small: 2 inch whorl, 7.25 inch long shaft, approx. 22g. £4.50 + P&P
Suitable for spinning Angora and silk

Notes on Angora Wool
No two rabbits are exactly the same colour. As a coloured rabbit matures, it becomes paler. It is best to purchase all wool for a project in advance and card it together if you wish for a uniform colour. Angora can be carded or spun from locks. Standard carders are effective. The wool can be spun as 100% Angora or blended with other fibres. One ply Angora plied with 1 ply hand spun silk is excellent for lace knitting. Angora is spun fine and at a high twist, either on a wheel or spindle. Angora wool can also be wet felted (takes a little longer than sheep’s wool) or needle felted.
Books for Sale

£14 plus P&P

£10 plus P&P

£10 plus P&P

£6.50 plus P&P
Email with your choice of wool, spindles or books
This shows the range of crafts made by National Angora Club members from the wool of our rabbits

Needle felt rabbit and felt bag, gloves, hat and skeins

Spindle spun and knitted gloves and shawl. Needle felt rabbit. Brown skein wheel spun, gold spindle spun.
The little rabbit on the wooden stand above was made as a mascot for the Club by Lucy

Lacy Angora Cardigan

A stole on the Angora Club Stand

White Angora and Mulberry Silk beaded shawl

Angora and silk bonnet, bootees and flower brooches

Wet felted Angora bootees

Wheel spun Angora

Another lovely needle felted rabbit

Blending Angora is limited only by your imagination! Spindle spun Angora, silk and bullet proof fibre.