The National Angora Club are often contacted by people who have bought or rescued a fluffy rabbit, and have been told that it is an Angora. Even the Rabbit Welfare Association may be mistaken, as their Winter 2017 magazine shows. Their article on Angora rabbits pictured 1 Angora, 2 Lionheads and a possible Cashmere Lop. The Club are willing to offer help to people struggling with their rabbit’s coats, but please be warned! Crossbreed fluffy rabbits often have coats that are very hard to care for, matting easily. If you wish for a long haired rabbit, think very carefully of the work involved. Obtain your rabbit from a reputable breeder, who will give life long support, and clipping and grooming lessons before you take your rabbit home. YouTube is not enough!

A White Exhibition Angora

The rabbit below is a very well cared for and much loved rescue “Angora” whose owner contacted us for help with clipping. Whilst the rabbit was immaculately clean, his coat was matted down to the skin.

A matted rescue “Angora”

It took two hours to clip this rabbit with hairdressing scissors. Fortunately he was very cooperative! Once the old coat was taken off, the owner will find it much easier to manage the new coat as it grows.

One of the three pieces of the rescue rabbit’s coat- solid felt!

Here are pictures of some of the rabbits often mistaken for Angoras.

Cashmere Lop
Baby Mini Cashmere Lop

If it has Lop ears, it is not an Angora.


Probably the commonest rabbit mistaken for an Angora is the Lionhead. These lovely little rabbits are smaller than Angoras and have shorter ears.

Double mane Lionhead
Swiss Fox
Imported Minature Swiss Fox.

Notice the plain ears on the long haired Swiss Fox rabbit.